Monthly Archives: October 2010

Primavera is the only sane choice.

Rep. Dianne Primavera (D-Broomfield) is running for a third two-year term representing House District 33 in the Colorado House of Representatives. Throughout the last four years she’s worked tirelessly to advance the causes of real, live human beings.

Many wonder why any decent, capable, honorable human being would even consider becoming involved in politics given how shitty it’s become. I’ve wondered that myself. Whatever the reason, the people in this here district are damn lucky that someone as decent, capable and honorable as Primavera wants to be involved.

Of course, times are tough economically. The primary causes are being in a state of war for an astounding nine years, reckless deregulation of the FIRE sector and government policies that not only encourage but affirmatively reward outsourcing. In other words,  the causes are Republican.

History tells us that when the party hired to act as a rebuilding contractor doesn’t move fast enough, the bosses will turn the reins back over to the party that burned down the house in the first place. That’s what’s fixin’ to happen now.

Given the fact that there are more Republicans around these parts than there are Democrats, the moneyed elite is targeting HD33 for recapture yet again.

Primavera’s opponent is a muppet by the name of Don Beezley. He’s one of those generic “businessman” types who has no actual skills but does have a penchant for making lots of money. His current gig involved creating and selling chiropractic clinic franchises.

It wasn’t always that way. Beezley is now a registered Republican, but the conversion is recent and far from complete. Ideologically he’s a libertarian. At one time he was actually a paid libertarian who worked in D.C. as a vice president of the Cato Institute, a right wing “think” tank.

Go to Beezley’s website and you’ll read a bunch of vacuous, poorly-worded platitudes about freedom and the like, but no actual substance. Beezley’s problem is that he’s been grooming himself for public office for quite some time and has a rather ugly paper trail as a result. A small sampling is available here courtesy of the Broomfield County Democrats.

The Denver Post handed out its endorsements in the most heavily contested Colorado House of Representatives races yesterday, and the editorial board’s short ‘n’ sweet commentary on HD33 focuses on Beezley’s hypocrisy in being an anti-government zealot angling for a goverment paycheck:

Republican Don Beezley has said he doesn’t even believe in local or county government. Then why his desire for a state paycheck? Our nod goes to Rep. Dianne Primavera, D-Broomfield, who has served ably since knocking off Bill Berens in 2006.
How much influence the Post‘s endorsement will have remains to be seen. Mindless, weepy-eyed prosaicisms about freedom go a long way among dumbasses.